
The publisher of the website is LOISIRS LOIRE VALLEY/ SIRET 45154152800019 RCS Blois/ address: Chemin du Sainfoin 41150 Chouzy-sur-Cisse, France

Conceptor of the website

The designer of the site is J’aime ma ville/ INFINEXT SAS Vendôme, France
Website : https://jaimemaville.online

Director of the publication

The director of the publication is Loisirs Loire Valley


INFINEXT SAS, Vendôme, France
Email : hebergement@infinext.fr

limitation of liability

The publisher strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, which it reserves the right to modify, correct, at any time the content.

The information and content of this site is for information purposes only. The publisher accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or non-exhaustivity of the information available on this site and the use that could be made by anyone as well as in case of interruption or non-availability of the site. It cannot be held responsible for the content of sites accessible from hypertext links from this site.

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In application of the law of 11 March 1957 (Art 41) and the code of intellectual property of 1 July 1992, any partial or total reproduction of this site (texts, photographs, images, illustrations, video and audio clips, logos, trademarks etc.) is strictly prohibited without express permission.

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All the services and technical elements that have been carried out on behalf of the publisher by the site designer, the general structure, as well as software, texts, animated or not images, its know-how, and all other components of the site are the exclusive property of INFINEXT SAS, including the brand J’aime ma ville.

INFINEXT SAS is therefore the holder of all intellectual property rights in all the services presented on the publisher’s website, including the general structure, as well as software, the design of the tree, the technologies used, images, photographs, illustrations, sounds, music, excluding content provided by the publisher, unless otherwise specified.

Accordingly and in application of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, the laws and regulations of all countries and international conventions, any representation, reproduction, adaptation, extraction, reuse, transcription into another language, including for private, complete or partial purposes (even of a non-substantial part of the content) of this site by any process or any of the elements mentioned aboveabove, made without the prior written consent of the publisher or designer, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

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Any quotation or resumption of the contents of the site must have obtained the express authorization of the director of the publication. The source loisirsloirevalley.fr and the date of the copy must be indicated as well as the copyright of LOISIRS LOIRE VALLEY and J’aime ma ville.

Informatic and freedoms

In accordance with Article 27 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, LOISIRS LOIRE VALLEY informs that the personal data collected on its site are subject to automated processing.


Chemin du Sainfoin 41150 Chouzy-sur-Cisse, FR

Tél. : +33 (0)9 75 60 67 64

SIREN : 451541528

For any request: contact us contact@loisirsloirevalley.fr

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